Annual Survey 2018: IM business in Finland
Ferovalo Oy is an Interim Management Service Provider and wants to gather and publish information about the market situation, including pricing, in Finland. This is the first survey and it will be repeated annually. Survey information was gathered during the summer of 2018.
The use of interim managers is relatively new in Finland, and there is substantial room for growth. Interim management is a relatively novel way of working in Finland for many experts.
There is room for more Interim Management Service Providers in the Finnish market. At present, the most important task of these is to act as mediators between the customers and the interim managers and spread awareness of the possibilities of Interim Management.
The net effect for customers using Interim Management as a service is overwhelmingly positive according to the survey.
The full report can be found and downloaded Interim Management survey by Ferovalo, 2018..